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3 Misconceptions about Google Apps Debunked


3 Misconceptions about Google Apps Debunked

Google Apps Backup And Restore

Are you a Google fanatic? Who isn’t? You certainly are if you are a Google Apps user. You get a ton of valuable tools that help you to manage your business better, improve your team’s productivity, and indirectly help you to make your dream come true―what more can you ask for? Google Apps Backup And Restore is essential for your business.

However, things are not as rosy as they look. There could be instances when Google Apps can be your nightmare too. Wondering how? Then ask yourself, what is most crucial for your business? Undoubtedly it’s your data, right? Data that you exchange, store, and share on Google. But, have you thought about the possibility of losing your data and not being able to recover it?

You must be thinking that’s not possible at all because Google backs up all your data. True, Google does, but still it can’t protect you 100 percent from data loss. If you live with this misconception that you will never lose data that Google backs up, and that even if it happens, Google will be your savior, then you may end up scratching your head after an unfortunate data loss, with no means to recover.

But don’t worry. This article will correct the misconceptions you have and help you understand how to ensure you never encounter a single data loss.

Misconception 1: Google can recover my data if I lose accidentally.

Truth: Google stores any deleted data for 30 days only. Afterward, the data gets deleted automatically.

Suppose you’ve deleted a Gmail message thinking you’ve archived it, but once you realize you did not, you may never be able to recover your data. Why? Because Google keeps your deleted data for only 30 days. But, if you use a Google Apps backup solution, you can quickly recover your deleted data whenever you need it.

Misconception 2: Google can protect my data from malicious attack.

Truth: Google can’t distinguish what is a malicious element within your data.

Think about a disgruntled employee’s plan to delete your important data to take revenge―how would you stop him without knowing his intentions? Similarly, how could you expect Google to even identify the attack? Google never loses data on its own; rather it follows commands. Thus, if you ask to delete data, it will delete it without evaluating why you asked. That’s expected, isn’t it?

However, having a backup tool can save you from losing your important data. Even if a malevolent user deletes it, you can still recover and access your data without any hassles.

Misconception 3: Google is error proof.

Truth: Google has multiple errors that can prevent you from accessing your valuable data.

This is a serious misconception among almost everyone. Do you remember the Gmail outage that happened early in 2014? Ten percent of Google users were unable to access Gmail, Google Drive, and other services. There were other outages in 2011 and in 2009. Errors may not happen frequently, but that doesn’t mean they won’t happen at all.

Another one is Google’s erroneous account suspension error. Google claims to reserve the rights to suspend or terminate your account without any notice if it suspects you are violating its terms of service.

If your account is terminated erroneously, you need to convince Google to restore it by providing them with enough proof supporting your account’s legitimacy and that may take a good amount time which can cause a serious damage to your business progress. Yes, you may get your account back and won’t lose your data, but if you have a backup solution ready, you can still work on your data even when Google Apps is not accessible.

So, you can’t just depend on Google Apps. You need to have a backup plan for when you’ll most need it. The way to do it is to backup up your Google Apps with CloudAlly, and prevent any future data loss.

CloudAlly provides secured, online, daily backups for Google Apps, Office 365, SharePoint, Salesforce, Yahoo and more.

If you want to ensure your data is never lost, sign-up here for a FREE 15-day trial (no credit card required!) and start backing up today!

image: Taken from http://www.gratisography.com/