Entries by Avi Katz

CloudAlly’s Google Apps Enterprise Backup

Over 4 million businesses are now using Google Apps and companies of all sizes continue to migrate to Google as an alternative to on-premise solutions. Often times this includes multiple domains to manage a variety of unique brands, geographic locations or business units across the enterprise. As part of this migration, it’s important to implement […]

Are you playing Russian roulette with SimpleDB?

Sure, it can be fun to live a little dangerously at times, but when it comes to your business data, or more importantly your customer’s business data, the last thing you want to do is be a risk taker. We love AWS SimpleDB but unlike its cousins EBS and RDS, SimpleDB lacks the backup and recovery features […]

CloudAlly’s new look for the New Year.

While we realize looks aren’t everything, we firmly believe that presentation is, and that’s why we kicked off the New Year with a new look. And it’s not just superficial. Sure we think our new graphics, color schemes and overall presentation are looking pretty sharp, but we’re not just a pretty face. In addition to […]

Green Computing and Sustainability in the Cloud

Businesses continue to migrate to cloud-based services such as Google Apps andSalesforce in large numbers for a variety of reasons such as cost savings, scalability and reliability, but did you know that cloud-computing solutions also provide a significant reduction in your overall carbon footprint? A November 2010 study by Microsoft, Accenture and sustainability consultants WSP Environment & Energy has […]

Top 10 Reasons for Cloud-to-Cloud Backups

Reasons For Cloud Backup CloudAlly provides the first cloud-to-cloud backup of both Google Apps and Salesforce to unlimited Amazon S3 secure storage. While there are on-premise backup solutions available for both, we feel that our cloud-to-cloud backup and restore service provides a number of benefits over on-premise. So let’s take a look at our list of the top 10 – reasons […]