Entries by Avi Katz

Box for Business – Top 10 Important Features

Box for Business – The Top 10 Important Features You Should Be Familiar with You are spoilt for choice as far as cloud storage services are concerned, right? Well, most of us have plenty of options in this regards, such as Dropbox and Box for Business. The best thing about a cloud storage service like […]

7 Tips to Become “OneDrive for Business” Power User

We love OneDrive for Business.  Why? Simply because it enables us to work smarter and more effectively. OneDrive for Business helps us collaborate and manage the influx of data with ease. However, we have encountered several clients who do not use it to its full potential.  They have never explored the vast amount of capabilities offered […]

5 Things to Consider when Creating a Cloud Usage Policy

Cloud Computing for Cloud for Backup is essential for business activities Cloud computing serves as a major tool for enabling a collaborative work environment and has become the norm in almost all companies. But, adopting cloud solutions is still viewed as a fresh and new concept in many organizations and there seems to be very few or no standard […]

7 Things You Might Not Know You Can Do in Google Apps for Work

Google Apps for Work Backup How productive has your business been since you started using Google Apps for Work? Or setup a Google Apps for work backup? Backup google apps for business – its the right business decision. Although it takes time to see the difference, some benefits related to improved collaboration, knowledge sharing via mobile devices […]

Why do we need to backup BOX.com

Backup Box.com According to the Boston Computing Network’s report, 60% of businesses that lose their data will most likely be shut down within 6 months of the disaster. 32% businesses lost data from the cloud, according to another report by The Aberdeen Group.  So is it important to backup box.com  ? These statistics show that if you’re not serious […]