Entries by Avi Katz

Office 365 for Education vs. Google Apps for Education

Educational Applications: Office 365 app backup and G Suite Backup Google apps for education backup; You will agree that education in schools is no longer confined within the four walls of a classroom. With the advancement of technology, the demand for “anytime, anywhere” access to information is justifiable for schools and other educational institutes. Schools […]

Top 10 Tips for Using Office 365 for Education

Including; Office 365 mailbox backup solution The education community has embraced Office 365 and office 365 mailbox backup solution with its amazing features have helped both teachers and students around the world. We know that your day is very busy, and you might have missed out on the added new features and the enhancements made to the existing […]

20 Ways to Use Office 365 for Education

Office 365 (and Cloudally Office 365 backup solutions) have been proven to be the most effective, efficient and preferred tool for teachers and students across the globe. It is the best collaborative platform for administering classes and to provide a better learning experience through digital means. So, if you are a teacher or an IT administrator […]

How to Avoid Office 365 Data Breaches and Migration Complexities

One of the most common assumptions about using Microsoft’s products is that there is no need for more security.  While easy deployment of Office 365 and ease of use has already made it a popular choice among businesses of all sizes, many of them are unaware of the risk of data breaches, and migration complexities they will […]