Entries by Avi Katz

Backup strategy for business continuity

Backup strategy for your business continuity The importance of backing up your data dates back to the earliest days of technology. Yet you might be surprised to learn that, according to the World Backup Day Website, even in our technology and gadget-driven world, about 30% of people have NEVER backed up their data. Sure, that […]

Top Cloud Computing Blogs to Read

According to a Gartner forecast, cloud adoption is expected to reach $250 billion by 2017.  According to another insight discussed in “Digital Business – Rethinking Fundamentals”, a keynote Cloud Business Summit held in NYC last year, over 60 percent of enterprises are expected to have at least half of their infrastructure on cloud-based platforms by 2018. The future […]

BOX VS OneDrive

Box Vs OneDrive Rendering the final verdict on which cloud storage provider is superior is no less than a Herculean task. Although the storage industry has witnessed just a few winters, the competition among the leading cloud storage providers appears to be quite intense. Over the last few years, users have seen commendable improvements and […]

Anthem Security Breach – A Wake Up Call

Healthcare Security Breach The security breach at Anthem is the largest health care breach to date as pointed out by Mandiant, and we believe it’s in the top 5 security breaches of all times across any industry. This and recent breaches such as Home Depot and of course Sony Pictures Entertainment, is a clear sign that […]

3 Reasons You Should Add Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Service To Your Portfolio

Backup Services for Office 365 Every business wants to satisfy its clients and win more customers. But the question is how? For most, quality service is necessary. But is that everything that can be offered? The competition is tough and you have to stay ahead. So, the key to success is to know your competition, […]