Entries by Avi Katz

Google Apps or Office 365?

Google Apps or Office 365 After being a faithful Microsoft customer for years, is it time to switch over to Google when choosing between Office 365 and Google Apps? As a business owner, what do you trust more—the age-old wisdom and IT expertise of Microsoft or the innovative skills and service providing ability of Google? Google […]

3 Misconceptions about Google Apps Debunked

3 Misconceptions about Google Apps Debunked Google Apps Backup And Restore Are you a Google fanatic? Who isn’t? You certainly are if you are a Google Apps user. You get a ton of valuable tools that help you to manage your business better, improve your team’s productivity, and indirectly help you to make your dream […]

Outlook vs. Gmail – Guide

Outlook vs. Gmail – A Comparative Guide for Your Business Needs Google and Microsoft have been ruling the email service industry for quite some time now and they have come up with a lot of variant features with their own pros and cons. However, most of the businesses use them without even comparing their features […]

It’s World Backup Day – Have You Backed up Your Data Yet?

Have you ever been the scapegoat of an April fool joke? Must be, right? Or maybe you are so smart that you evaded being the target? Unfortunately, this is the case with a lot of people playing with data every day and to address this exact issue, a  couple of reddit users took a wonderful independent initiative […]