According to the Boston Computing Network’s report, 60% of businesses that lose their data will most likely be shut down within 6 months of the disaster. 32% businesses lost data from the cloud, according to another report by The Aberdeen Group. So is it important to backup ?
These statistics show that if you’re not serious about protecting your business from data loss, then imagine what the consequences could be. If you think that Box will take care of your data, it will always be safe, and you don’t have to worry about anything, then you’re taking things too lightly.
Yes, Box does take care of your deleted data but not forever. But, answer this question first: how do you recover your deleted files and folders stored in Box? How do you backup Box?
Accessing the Trash folder and using the restore option, right? However, did you know that Box keeps your deleted data for 30-days and then purges it after that time? Although, you can customize the purge period if you subscribed for the Business or Enterprise plan, but what if you opted for the Starter or Basic plan.
Most businesses lose data because they realize this pretty late. So, even if you can customize the purge period, if you don’t realize within that time stipulated, you will never be able to recover your data.
In addition, you can lose your data due to a mistake by some Box employee as well. Wondering how that’s possible?
Well, you would be surprised to know that’s exactly what happened with Dan Tynan, a tech journalist, when a Box employee reportedly rolled in his account into the corporate account of a PR agency without his permission. Here is what Dan has gone through as described in his blog post: “My lovely and talented wife, with whom I collaborate on stories for Family Circle (where we used a lot), had apparently invited an employee of this PR firm to upload an image to one of our shared folders last April. That was enough to convince a employee that my wife was a “collaborator” with this firm, and to roll in my account without ever notifying her, me, or anyone else. On May 2, an employee at the largest PR firm saw my wife’s name on the list of people with access to their Box account, didn’t recognize it, and hit the delete button. Poof! My account was now history.”
Box handed over control of his account to a complete stranger and they never informed the user or the collaborators that they were giving control of the account to someone else. Later on, Box realized the issue and Dan was able to recover his data, but it took around six months.
As an enterprise, can you afford such incident and wait for six months to recover your data? Plus, what about data governance? Can you let strangers control your sensitive information? Certainly not, right?
So if you believe Box will take care of your data under any circumstances and you will never experience data loss, think again. Remember, what Warren Buffet said, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”