How to Protect from Malware Attacks

How to: Protect from Malware Attacks Protecting your company data is the most critical task your IT department has. This team of specialists works tirelessly to keep out intruders only to have their coworkers inadvertently let them differently. While your business may have many safeguards in place to catch and clean up these mistakes, there […]

  • DynamoDB Backup

    CloudAlly’s SimpleDB to DynamoDB Migration Tool

    Amazon Web Services recently announced the availability of DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service, and since we already offer a backup and recovery solution for SimpleDB, we decided to get busy and develop a backup solution for DynamoDB. We’re still a few weeks away from implementation, but wanted to share a tool (java code to […]

  • CloudAlly’s Google Apps Enterprise Backup

    Over 4 million businesses are now using Google Apps and companies of all sizes continue to migrate to Google as an alternative to on-premise solutions. Often times this includes multiple domains to manage a variety of unique brands, geographic locations or business units across the enterprise. As part of this migration, it’s important to implement […]

  • Are you playing Russian roulette with SimpleDB?

    Sure, it can be fun to live a little dangerously at times, but when it comes to your business data, or more importantly your customer’s business data, the last thing you want to do is be a risk taker. We love AWS SimpleDB but unlike its cousins EBS and RDS, SimpleDB lacks the backup and recovery features […]

  • Cloud Computing, Brazil and the 2014 World Cup

    Football and Cloud Computing might seem like “chalk and cheese” as they say in England, but as I recently found out, there is a very real connection and it appears to be a major factor in the adoption of cloud services in Brazil. Let me explain… One of the most interesting aspects of a cloud […]

  • CloudAlly’s new look for the New Year.

    While we realize looks aren’t everything, we firmly believe that presentation is, and that’s why we kicked off the New Year with a new look. And it’s not just superficial. Sure we think our new graphics, color schemes and overall presentation are looking pretty sharp, but we’re not just a pretty face. In addition to […]

  • Green Computing and Sustainability in the Cloud

    Businesses continue to migrate to cloud-based services such as Google Apps andSalesforce in large numbers for a variety of reasons such as cost savings, scalability and reliability, but did you know that cloud-computing solutions also provide a significant reduction in your overall carbon footprint? A November 2010 study by Microsoft, Accenture and sustainability consultants WSP Environment & Energy has […]

  • reasons for cloud backup

    Top 10 Reasons for Cloud-to-Cloud Backups

    Reasons For Cloud Backup CloudAlly provides the first cloud-to-cloud backup of both Google Apps and Salesforce to unlimited Amazon S3 secure storage. While there are on-premise backup solutions available for both, we feel that our cloud-to-cloud backup and restore service provides a number of benefits over on-premise. So let’s take a look at our list of the top 10 – reasons […]

  • Enterprise Level Backup for Google Apps & Salesforce

    CloudAlly’s Enterprise Level Backup for Google Apps and Salesforce If you are one of over 4 million businesses using Google Apps for Business, chances are you might be using multiple internet domains to manage unique brands, geographic locations or business units across your organization. And like many Google Apps businesses with multiple domains, you might also be […]

  • Disaster Recovery by Google; Whose disaster is it anyway?

    Last year Google launched a free service called synchronous replication for Google Apps in order to prevent data loss and provide immediate failover in the event that one of their data centers goes down.  This was an important announcement since it means Google now replicates every change made to Google Apps across multiple data-centers in […]

  • OAuth; Your key to privacy and security

    In this post I’d like to discuss something called OAuth (Open Authorization), an open standard that enables you to share private data between sites. Now if you’re not a technical person don’t worry, we’re not going into all the details, we just want to explain how CloudAlly uses it for the benefit of you, our customer. Simply put, OAuth […]

  • Introducing CloudAlly Online Backup Service

    Welcome to CloudAlly! We provide secure daily online backups of your critical cloud data including Google Apps, Salesforce, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and more to reliable Amazon S3 storage. Our centralized and easy to use service includes unlimited storage and you can rest assured that you’re data is encrypted for maximum protection. More than just a cloud backup service And we’re more than just a […]