HIPAA Compliance - Box.com

HIPAA Compliance – Box.com

HIPAA Compliance – for Box.com HiPAA Compliance – The electronic age has made it easier for doctor’s offices and hospitals to store patient information without much paperwork. They do, however, must adhere to special regulations concerning storage of that data....
dropbox for business backup

Dropbox for Business Backup Vs Box for Business

Box for Business vs. Dropbox for Business Backup – The Five Most Important Things You Need to Know Has your business already moved to the cloud for storage and related services? if so, then chances are you’re already familiar with cloud storage...
Box Apps for Business backup

The 6 Leading Box Apps for Businesses

Cloudally provides Box Apps for Business backup solution. Read about the most popular Box apps for your business. The aim is to check out the benefits and features of some of the top Box applications for businesses, and Cloudally box...
box for business

Box for Business – Top 10 Important Features

Box for Business – The Top 10 Important Features You Should Be Familiar with You are spoilt for choice as far as cloud storage services are concerned, right? Well, most of us have plenty of options in this regards, such...
Backup Box.com

Why do we need to backup BOX.com

Backup Box.com According to the Boston Computing Network’s report, 60% of businesses that lose their data will most likely be shut down within 6 months of the disaster. 32% businesses lost data from the cloud, according to another report by The Aberdeen Group....