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PR NewsWire – 9 September 2017 – Raanana, Israel – CloudAlly Expands its Presence in France With a New Distributor Watsoft

CloudAlly one of the world’s first cloud-to-cloud backups services for Microsoft Office 365, G Suite, Salesforce, and – today announced that it has partnered with Watsoft, a leading wholesale software distributor, to extend its presence France.

“This agreement highlights the importance to provide our network of more than 3,000
IT resellers with reliable and generating recurring revenues solutions adapted to the market trends and SMEs needs”, said Oleg Bivol Président at Watsoft. “The Cloudally integration into our catalog allow us to expand our cloud services with an innovative and effective security solution to prevent the accidental or malicious loss of data stored in the Cloud”.

Watsoft offers CloudAlly an electronic distribution mode, technical support for resellers, technical training, and commercial service dedicated to their network of resellers.

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