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CloudAlly’s Google Apps Enterprise Backup


Over 4 million businesses are now using Google Apps and companies of all sizes continue to migrate to Google as an alternative to on-premise solutions. Often times this includes multiple domains to manage a variety of unique brands, geographic locations or business units across the enterprise.

As part of this migration, it’s important to implement a comprehensive backup solution to ensure that user data across all domains can be quickly recovered in the event of data loss. Google has some of the finest disaster recovery procedures in the world, but can do very little to recover user data that has been accidentally (or maliciously) deleted, altered or otherwise corrupted.

And it’s not only a backup solution that needs to be considered, but the ability to manage employee transfers across business units and archive user data when an employee leaves the company. CloudAlly’s enterprise level Google Apps backup service addresses these requirements and more.

CloudAlly provides a powerful centralized backup and recovery solution for Google Apps to unlimited Amazon secure storage, enabling system administrators to activate enterprise-wide automated daily backups for all users across all domains associated with a Google Apps account with a few simple clicks.

Data can be restored directly to Google with a one-click non-destructive restore that will not overwrite existing data, or exported for local archiving when an employee leaves the company. And in the case of an employee transfer, an administrator can download a CloudAlly backup to the new user ID ensuring a seamless employee transition.

Data is encrypted using advanced AES-256 algorithms and the permission based OAuth eliminates the need to enter and store user credentials in CloudAlly. By default, CloudAlly archives are stored in US data centers, but we provide the option to use EU data centers for UK/EU Data Protection compliance. Daily backup summaries are emailed to the Systems Administrator eliminating the need to login each day to verify backup status.

In addition to Google Apps, CloudAlly customers can also activate daily backups for other leading online services such as Salesforce, Amazon SimpleDB and more. Contact us at sales@cloudally or visit CloudAlly’s Enterprise Backup page for more information on our Google Apps enterprise backup solution.