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CloudAlly’s new look for the New Year.


While we realize looks aren’t everything, we firmly believe that presentation is, and that’s why we kicked off the New Year with a new look. And it’s not just superficial. Sure we think our new graphics, color schemes and overall presentation are looking pretty sharp, but we’re not just a pretty face. In addition to changes under the hood, we’ve also added more information about CloudAlly, the services we backup and how to get the most out of our system.

As part of our new year makeover, we also announced the launch of our Amazon SimpleDB backup service, a new simplified pricing structure for our Salesforce and Google Apps backups, and we lowered the price for Yahoo Mail and individual Gmail backups.

And based on the flurry of activity that we’ve seen since the first of the year, it seems that our makeover was well timed. Apparently more and more businesses are realizing that most online service providers don’t provide the ability to recover user data that was accidentally or maliciously deleted, so “backup my online data” must have been at the top of a lot of companies New Year’s resolutions.

Take a look at our new CloudAlly Backup Services page for a complete list of the online services that we backup, as well as a sneak peak at the next one queued up and getting ready for release. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to release new backup services, expanded feature sets and greater flexibility.