CloudAlly Enterprise Solutions
While migrating to cloud-based solutions, such as Office 365, G Suite / Google Apps and Salesforce, can eliminate the need to manage server-based applications, it does NOT eliminate the need for daily backups of your online data. Unfortunately, the daily backup and archiving services that were previously performed by your System Admins is not provided by most online services. The data center backups for services like Office 365 and G Suite / Google Apps are used for internal recovery only, and are not available to recover customer data that has been deleted or corrupted.
CloudAlly offers an easy and affordable enterprise backup solution to this problem with its comprehensive daily backup and recovery service that allows you to keep your enterprise data safe and secure. With just a few simple clicks, your admins can use CloudAlly to backup multiple domains, organizations and sites. We offer unlimited storage and unlimited retention of daily archives so that your data can be quickly recovered from any point in time or exported for onsite storage if needed.