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It’s World Backup Day – Have You Backed up Your Data Yet?


Have you ever been the scapegoat of an April fool joke? Must be, right? Or maybe you are so smart that you evaded being the target?

from www.worldbackupday.com

Unfortunately, this is the case with a lot of people playing with data every day and to address this exact issue, a  couple of reddit users took a wonderful independent initiative by making 31st March the World Back Up Day – a day to increase the awareness among people like you and me about the importance of regular backups, with an interesting tagline “Don’t be an April Fool.”

Of course, we shouldn’t think about backing up our data only once in a year but it works as a reminder that all of us should focus and make or review our back up strategy.

Let’s look at some stats to get a feel of how important backups can be.

Importance of Backups – the Statistics

According to a study by Spiceworks sponsored by Carbonite, 45% of respondents had encountered data loss in their organization and 14 % were unable to recover their information.

The story doesn’t end here. Another survey by Small Business Insurer Traveler reveals 1/4th of women entrepreneurs are uncertain about their protection level against cyber threats. The most surprising fact is that 65% of women entrepreneurs responded that internet plays an important role in the success of their business.

Enough stats on the importance of back up, isn’t it? Now, let’s look at the common causes for data loss so that you can try to take precautionary actions to secure yourself in the future.

Common Causes for Data Loss


Virus is a tiny piece of software that can take you for a ride if it lies in your computer. It can crash your hard drive, delete your files, corrupt your data and can disallow access to your valuable information on your disk drives and many more which can lead to data loss.


Phishing is a technique to hack your secure information in the form of an e-mail or a link which may look pretty reliable but is not. A perfect example is the recent phishing scam to steal Gmail credentials where you see a link exactly similar to Gmail asking for you to log in to access your data but actually it’s a scam.

3rd Party Applications

You must have used a lot of Google Apps  and found them extremely useful for your work. But, you must know that sometimes these apps can even have bugs. The biggest threat lies in the amount of access these apps have to your confidential Google Apps data. Not all the applications will interfere in your Google Apps data but the one that does, can do serious damage to your entire business and not just Google Apps.

There are several others as well like accidental deletion, natural calamities, Trojans etc.

By now, you should be pretty familiar with what can cause you to lose your data. So, let’s see how backup can help you in preventing data loss.

How backup can help you in preventing data loss?

Automatically backing up and storing your secure data

If your organization uses Salesforce, you must know its backup process is not really encouraging. You may not find any automated backup for Salesforce Admins. It is completely manual which is an administrative pain and burden on your organization.

Plus, having a copy of your data is not always enough. You might find corruption after a while and need the ability to go back in time (even more than what you have in your trash/recycle bin etc).

Cloudally  is a cloud-based backup and restore services provider which provides unlimited storage for your Salesforce along with Google Apps data, Office 365,  Amazon Simple DB, Yahoo Mail and many more.

Protection from 3rd party Apps

You must now be familiar with what 3rd party Apps are and how they can damage your business. Apart from Bugs, improper installation can result in painful consequences as well.  Think about how you would feel if you found some undesired changes in objects or forms in your Salesforce account, or Office. Cloud-to-Cloud backup solutions like Cloudally can play an important role here by backing up your data without doing any overwriting on the existing data.

Protection from viruses and accidental deletion

Viruses may corrupt your data and you may need to go through reinstallation but having a proper backup can save you both time and money.

Backups help you in saving and organizing your valuable information so that even if you scrap it, overwrite it or it gets deleted by your kids, you can still access your secure data without worrying.

What do you think now? How soon do you plan to implement or review your back up strategy?

If you think your data is valuable for you, then you must give a thought to prepare a backup strategy and implement it as soon as possible to avoid any data loss.

Let’s join and celebrate World Backup Day and initiate backing up your data with Cloudally today, and we will never let you become an April Fool, at least in data protection!