
Australia Amazon Data Center

CloudAlly News – Australia Amazon Data Center, ISO Certification & Unlimited Storage

We are happy to announce that in addition to the Amazon U.S and E.U. data centers, you can now select the Amazon Australian datacenter for CloudAlly archive storage. This ensures that your data is in the appropriate physical location to address data privacy regulation. You can contact to request a specific data center.

Amazon Data Center

ISO 27001 Certification

We’re also pleased to announce that we have achieved ISO 27001 certification, an internationally recognized accreditation for information security management. This certification recognizes CloudAlly’s ongoing commitment to secure cloud backup services by strict adherence to industry standard best practices. To achieve ISO 27001 certification, companies must strictly adhere to a number of disciplines including compliance, risk management, business continuity and security. This includes the design and implementation of extensive security controls and ongoing management of the process to maintain continued compliance. Read more

Outlook vs. Gmail – Guide

Outlook vs. Gmail – A Comparative Guide for Your Business Needs

Google and Microsoft have been ruling the email service industry for quite some time now and they have come up with a lot of variant features with their own pros and cons. However, most of the businesses use them without even comparing their features and benefits. After all, why would you bother to compare and switch when you are already comfortable with the one you use? Outlook vs. Gmail what is the choice?

Outlook vs. Gmail

Weighing the different features and their benefits would help you to understand if you are on the right track or you need to shift.  Or – if you are shopping for your new business – this article, is going to help you with choosing the right email product for your business by comparing the different features of both Microsoft Outlook and Gmail. Read more

It’s World Backup Day – Have You Backed up Your Data Yet?

Have you ever been the scapegoat of an April fool joke? Must be, right? Or maybe you are so smart that you evaded being the target?


Unfortunately, this is the case with a lot of people playing with data every day and to address this exact issue, a  couple of reddit users took a wonderful independent initiative by making 31st March the World Back Up Day – a day to increase the awareness among people like you and me about the importance of regular backups, with an interesting tagline “Don’t be an April Fool.”

Of course, we shouldn’t think about backing up our data only once in a year but it works as a reminder that all of us should focus and make or review our back up strategy.

Let’s look at some stats to get a feel of how important backups can be. Read more

Microsoft OneDrive for Business – should you consider it?

Microsoft OneDrive for Business

The short answer is… yes, you should consider Microsoft OneDrive for Business.

Formerly called SkyDrive Pro, OneDrive for Business is Microsoft’s answer to Google Drive and others. As an integral part of Office 365 or SharePoint Server 2013, OneDrive for Business lets you work within the context of your organization and manage your work documents.

The most important feature is being able to share your file and collaborate with other people within your organization or partners outside the organization. Then there is the sync application that enables you to replicate a copy of your files at your local drive and edit either the local or the cloud copy.

Sometimes there is confusion between Microsoft OneDrive (formerly called SkyDrive) and Microsoft OneDrive for business. OneDrive is simply a cloud storage owned and controlled Read more

Database Optimization

Database Optimization

Sure it might be surprising, but for CloudAlly, we are first and foremost about… database optimization.
security, scalability, availability, functionality and user experience are a must in everything we do,
however, optimization is the secret and most challenging ingredient.

CloudAlly is all about simplicity and cost effectiveness. We aim to leverage the economy of the
cloud and make it work for our customers by providing them Read more

Why Backup Your Personal Email Account?

Today we have more ways to communicate than ever before using a variety of tools such as social media, instant messaging and blogs, but when it comes right down to it, good old fashion email is still the most widely used form of communication and it looks like it’s here to stay.

Email services such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo Mail are convenient, easy to use and usually free, and offer increasing amounts of free storage which encourages us to use our email service not only as a communication tool but also as an archive for our documents.


As we become less reliant on our computers and rely more on smartphones and tablets, email services quickly become the main repository of our online documents and data. Whether it’s a contract, article, picture Read more