
Q&A: Backing Up Your G Suite Apps with CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup

Q&A: Backing Up Your G Suite Apps with CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup

Backing Up Your G Suite AppsGoogle’s G-Suite is only able to protect your data on the company’s end, meaning that if Google loses your information – say, in a disk failure – they will be able to recover it. On your end, though, if you lose data, you need third-party backup program like CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup. This limited in-built recovery in G Suite means that if you intend to adopt the program, you need to first consider how to backup Google apps. Here, we’ll answer some of your most pressing questions about backing up your G Suite Apps.

Is data loss really a significant problem for companies?

According to a recent study from Dell EMC, many companies worldwide are failing to implement the necessary levels of data protection, backup, and recovery. In the past twelve months, 52% of companies faced unplanned downtime and 29% suffered from data loss.

Why does G-Suite need a third-party backup?

Here are just a few of the reasons you need to back up your G-Suite apps:

  • Ransomware (which has seen a 3,500% increase in the last few years)
  • Phishing attempts
  • Accidental deletion – in a recent survey, accidental deletions accounted for 41% of data loss on SaaS applications
  • Migration errors – in the same study, 31% of users said a migration error caused them to lose their data
  • Mistaken overwrites – another problem accounting for 26% of data loss on SaaS applications with insufficient data backup

How can I download my data from G-Suite?

Google gives users the options to export their data and download it later. Be aware, though, this option only gives you a static collection of data on the date of the export. The database compiled will not continue to be updated as users’ data is updated. You can lead your employees through the following steps:

  1. Head to Google’s “Download your data” page and sign into your Google Account.
  2. Choose the G Suite apps you want included in the download.
  3. Click on “Next.”
  4. Select the file type in which you want the archive’s information to be stored.
  5. Choose “Send download link via email” as your Delivery method.
  6. Select “Create archive.”
  7. You will then receive an email with a link to your archive. Depending on the size of the archive created, you will receive your archive length within minutes up to a few hours.
  8. If you want to access the archive, click “Download archive” and follow the instructions.

How can I restore Gmail and Drive Data?

As an administrator, you can restore lost data (except for email drafts or data from the Trash) for up to 10 users in Gmail and/or Google Drive. Be aware, though, this method of data recovery only works on data deleted within the last 25 days. Here’s how to do restore data for multiple users:

  1. Log onto your Google Admin console using your administrator account.
  2. Navigate to the “Users” page.
  3. Click the box next to all the users whose data you want to restore; you can click up to 10 users’ boxes.
  4. Click “More” on the toolbar.
  5. Click “Restore data.”
  6. Set the date range for the data you want to restore, up to 25 days.
  7. Select if you want to restore data from Drive or Gmail.
  8. Click “Restore data.”

How can I scan email traffic using data loss prevention?

If you have G Suite Enterprise, you can set predefined detectors that help support a data loss protection policy. These detectors are culled from public information. Google provides a list of predefined detectors that you can set up in your email traffic scan. Here are a few options:

  • Checksum offers computation and verification with a check digit.
  • Word or phrase list lets you match a whole phrase or part of a phrase to a word or phrase found in a dictionary.
  • Pattern match recognizes alphanumeric patterns that include range checks, valid position, and delimiters.
  • Context matches strings in relation to a checksum matching string, pattern, or both.

While these options provide solutions to certain problems with G Suite apps, they do not provide a simple, complete way to back up and restore user data. To secure G Suite, you need to use a third-party backup app: CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup.

Why do I need a third-party backup for G-Suite?

One of the biggest problems with Google apps is that users can only save deleted emails and other data for a maximum of 60 days. After that, the data is lost forever. In contrast, G Suite Backup gives you unlimited storage length – you can keep your data forever. Additionally, another drawback of G-Suite is that each user only has 30 MB of storage for all their data, including emails, photos, and files. CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup, in contrast, gives users unlimited storage.

If you are already a fan of G-Suite or intend on adopting G-Suite for your business, we aren’t asking you to reconsider. Instead, we suggest opting for the backup protection of a third-party software provider like CloudAlly. CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup provides backup and support for all G Suite apps, including often-used apps like Gmail, Calendar, and Google Drive.

What is unique about G Suite Backup?

G Suite Backup lets you recover information without overwriting any changes you may have made after the recovery time. This non-destructive recovery lets you search for time-specific data and recover it – without worrying that users will lose later drafts of the same files.

Another unique feature is that users can quickly export and access their data on an alternate device. G Suite allows for the export archived data in multiple formats, including EML, VCF and ICS, and in PST format for Outlook.

How does G Suite Backup protect data for multiple users?

For G Suite Backup to be fully functional for business use, it needs to be able to detect multiple users. And it can. CloudAlly can detect new users at your company, and from their first sign-on, can back up their data. If you would like to be in control of user management, too, CloudAlly gives you the option to manually control the addition and deletion of users.

What about pricing for G Suite Backup

G Suite is available for $3/month per user or $30/year per user plans. If you’re curious about G Suite Backup, but want to test its functionality before purchasing, try it out first with our 15-day free trial.

How to Recover Missing G Suite Files

How to Recover Missing G Suite Files

It’s always frustrating to loose a file, but as a G Suite administrator, recovering and restoring missing files and emails is basic part of your job.  Users may restore their data for up to 30 days or until it’s permanently deleted, whichever comes first. However, if they permanently delete a file or email, it’s probably up to you to restore it. How to Recover Missing G Suite Files ?

Lets re track;  Of course G Suite has limitations on the restore such as the time limit of 25 days to restore permanently deleted files back to the user who created them, but it does provide basic restore functions including:

  • A date range search to locate deleted items
  • Verify restoration via inbox or Google Drive check
  • Restore data to a team drive
  • Restore a deleted team drive
  • Restore data for up to 10 users at once

Restoring Deleted Files

To restore either Gmail messages or deleted Google drive files start by signing into your Google administration console. From here you can restore information to an individual user or multiple users at a time.

Single User Restoration

For single user restoration, after you have logged into the administration console, navigate to the Users panel.

  1. Locate the user and click on their name to open the account page.
  2. Once on the users account page, click the More icon and select Restore Data.
  3. Indicate the date range for the data you wish to restore. Restoration is only possible within the last 25 days.
  4. Choose the type of data you wish to restore either Drive or Gmail. An error message appears if you do not select a data type.
  5. Click Restore Data.

Once restored, you can navigate to the user’s inbox or Google Drive to verify restoration occurred.

Multiple User Restoration

As G Suite administrator you may restore files to multiple users. As with a single user restoration, you must first log in to the administration console.

  1. Navigate to the Users panel.
  2. Put a checkmark in the box to the left of each user whose data you wish to restore. You may only restore up to 10 users at a time.
  3. On the toolbar, click the More icon and select Restore Data.
  4. Select the date range for the data you wish to restore. This field only covers the previous 25 days.
  5. Choose the data type you wish to restore, either Drive or Gmail. Leaving this criteria blank results in an error message.
  6. Click Restore Data.

You can now verify if restoration was successful.

A Complete Backup and Recovery Solution

Google restore functions are limited to approximately 30 days, so your business is at risk if data has been deleted or corrupted without detection for more than 1 month. You can protect your data an eliminate this risk by using CloudAlly’s automated  daily backup service for G suite including the ability to recover or export data from any point-in-time.

Admins can drill down through date snapshots or use the granular search function to quickly locate and restore data to the original user or another user if needed. Data can be exported in Outlook compatible .pst for onsite use, and mailboxes can be archived as needed when off-boarding employees.

Give us a try for 15 days no risk. If you like our services, G Suite backup starts at three dollars per user per month or $30 per user per year.

Google Apps Backup and Restore

Backup services for G Suite: A quick guide for application managers

Guide – Google Apps Backup and Restore

If you’re responsible for management of your company’s G Suite application, (previously/otherwise known as Google Apps for Business), you’ll appreciate its ease of use, reliability and mobile friendly features. Yet even though G Suite is a comprehensive, intuitive set of productivity apps, there may be times where a file is deleted or moved off to a device and lost due to accidental or malicious activity. CloudAlly’s Google Apps backup and restore service is your best defense against data loss, whether you have a large G Suite deployment or even a single user.

Beware the security threat from within!

According to many sources including CSO Online, the biggest threat to company data isn’t from external hackers – it is from internal employees. Strong data ownership policies are vital, and mitigating your risk with an automated file backup and recovery service is equally as important.

If you are G Suite Enterprise, Business or Education client, you may say, “Hold on, I subscribed to Google Vault, it’s a backup service, right?”. As we explained in recent blog post, Vault is an archive system for G Suite that enables legal holds, archiving and audit compliance, and there are limitations you should consider.

CloudAlly’s backup service complements Google Vault, and mitigates data loss by providing point-in-time recovery for an entire mailbox, folders, or individual items, unlike Vault’s item level functionality. You can discover more about strengths and weaknesses of Google Vault (and the opportunities of running both services) by clicking the link above. Our AWS storage sites in the US, Australia and the EU ensure business and personal users around the world can quickly backup and recover their G Suite data with minimal business interruption.

Have concerns about security or compliance?

Data in our AWS storage infrastructure is protected with AES-256-bit encryption, which meets compliance requirements like ISO 27001 and HIPAA. Our website and application have been reviewed and authorized by GoDaddy, Google, Amazon Web Services (AWS). CloudAlly participates in the Cloud Security Alliance. Data in motion is secured using SSL (HTTPS) encrypted servers.

For businesses that aren’t prepared to make the financial and time investment required to set up Google Vault, or don’t foresee needing to set up retention schedules on electronic files, or needing to submit user activity reports to an auditor, CloudAlly is a powerful stand-alone backup service for file and content preservation.

Backups for more than file storage and sharing

Working with a Google service like G Suite, it’s easy to be complacent with the idea that you can simply set up a set of folders and permissions in Drive, and the files will be stored there as long as your employees need access to them.

As users become accustomed to how Docs, Slides and Sheets automatically save their files – they may also take it for granted that files can be easily moved between folders, and it’s easy to get to them from their computer or mobile device. Until they are deleted on a laptop by accident, and the desktop sync app runs, and files are put into the Trash bin and stored there for a limited time (typically 30 days).

Backup services are important for other G Suite Apps as well. Think about when your employees change their Android phone, or if they delete someone from their Contacts by accident then need it again. Gmail and Calendar backup services can be extremely helpful should an employee leave the business, and you need to access their messages for the new hire that takes their place. Other Google Apps backup and restore functions we provide include Tasks, Chats and Classic Sites.

Easy activation, setup and configuration

It only takes a few minutes to setup a CloudAlly account and activate backups for your entire organization. No technical programming expertise required.

Step 1 – Click on the “Sign Up” link to start your Free Trial for 15 days. Confirm your trial account by clicking the URL we send you via email.

Step 2 –Sign into your CloudAlly account and click on activate a new backup. In a separate tab, sign into your G Suite account with administrative privileges and then from the CloudAlly backup screen click on “Integrate with Google”

Step 3 – The system will auto-discover all of your G Suite users and you can either activate all or selective backups as needed. You can also specify your backup time in the preferences section.

When you are logged into G Suite, you can always get to your CloudAlly dashboard quickly by clicking the “9-dot” apps icon at the top right hand corner of your screen. The left-hand administrative menu offers controls and settings for:

  • Backup scheduling management (Daily, every three days or weekly)
  • Data restore and download
  • Two-factor authentication for heightened security
  • OAuth Authentication (using social media credentials for convenience and security)
  • User management
  • Convenient in-app support documentation and ticketing
  • Guides and tutorials

No Fine Print “Gotchyas”

With some backup services, the basic subscription cost is low, but you are limited to a small amount of storage space before prices increase drastically.  Others charge higher fees for performance Service Level Agreements. CloudAlly doesn’t have pricing tiers based on consumption or bandwidth, our affordable Google Apps backup service plan is priced at $30 US per user per year, with volume discounts available for more than 100 users.

Our partnership with Amazon enables us to offer a 99.9% uptime SLA, and offers you peace of mind that your backup data will be available when needed, so you can retrieve all your files from a specific backup execution, or even a single file at a time.

Cloud-to-cloud backup from CloudAlly is an affordable way to safeguard G Suite data and content. It’s easy to set up, your data can be restored to your accounts with ease, and your data is stored on AWS S3 Secure storage. Once you set up and schedule your backups, we monitor and protect your critical data so you don’t have to purchase or manage onsite storage drives or appliances.

According to the 2017 Ponemon Cost of Data Breach study, each corporate record which is lost or stolen costs businesses $141. Though this is down from $158 in 2016, how many records do you store in G Suite? Consider the cost and business interruption which could result from user error or malicious data theft, compared to the cost of Google Apps backup and recovery from CloudAlly, which is negligible and a sound insurance policy to assist you in your day of need.

As a G Suite for Business administrator, you are often called upon to solve problems like accidentally deleted files, e-mail and contacts. In other cases, a website refresh may go in the wrong direction, and a r restore to a previous iteration is often the best pivot. Don’t let complex data backups and recovery processes cause business interruption. CloudAlly is the affordable way to make scheduled and on-demand backups easy, and data recovery painless.

Ready to sign up and safeguard your data? Get started now with a FREE TRIAL

Latest Cyber Attack Reminds Users to Backup Their Cloud SaaS Apps

Latest Cyber Attack Reminds Users to Backup Their Cloud SaaS Apps

— How To Backup Google Apps & Drive —

How To Backup Google Apps & DriveThe FBI reports that there are 4,000 cyber attacks per day—that’s almost four attacks per minute—and they’re becoming more prevalent. In 2015, there were only 1,000 attacks per day. That’s a 300% increase, and the latest global ransomware attack may have been one of the worst yet.  Is your company considering how To Backup Google Apps & Drive?

While it’s obvious from their regularity that the business world is no stranger to malicious viruses, malware, and more, in many cases even large organizations aren’t fully prepared to prevent an attack. That’s because, when 93% of phishing emails are now ransomware, it can be difficult to keep up with the criminals particularly when your company’s safety is not in the hands of your knowledgeable IT department but in the hands of your everyday employees. If even one employee clicks on a link or downloads an attachment from a hacker, the data of your entire company could be compromised.

The key is understanding exactly what malware is and knowing whether all of your data, including Google Drive, is protected.

What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware virus that takes over a computer and prevents access to data until a ransom is paid. It works by encrypting files and forcing you to pay a fee if you want to decrypt them. Only the ransomware creator knows the encryption key, and if your company isn’t willing to pay up, the data is often deleted and lost forever.

In many cases, the ransom demand is made via new computer wallpaper, which details specific instructions for payment. Some past messages have read:

  • “Your computer was used to visit illegal content. To unlock your computer, you must pay a $100 fine.”
  • “You only have 96 hours to submit the payment. If you do not send money within the provided time, all of your files will be permanently encrypted, and no one will be able to recover them.”

Payment demands can be up to $500 USD with the price doubling if funds are paid within a specified time—usually 24 hours.

The most recent iterations of ransomware have targeted enterprise end users who may not think they are “valuable” or “high-profile” enough to be the victim of an attack. The reality is that anyone can be a victim, which was more than proven in the most recent widespread attack.

Recent Ransomware Attack

Petya” might not sound like a dangerous word, but it’s the name for a vicious ransomware attack that crippled organizations all over Europe and the US in June 2017. It began in the Ukraine and quickly spread around the world, crippling big institutions such as WPP, Mondelez (a food company), DLA Piper (a legal firm), Maers (aDanish shipping and transport company), and Merck a large U.S. pharmaceutical company. The attack locked thousands of employees out of their computers until the ransom was paid.

Large organizations were particularly vulnerable to Petya because it only took one machine becoming infected for the ransomware to spread throughout the entire network. However, that doesn’t mean small companies weren’t at risk, too. Any machine connected to the Internet—nearly everyone—is susceptible.

And “Petya” is only the most recent attack. Just two months previously, the WannaCry or WannaCrypt ransomware attack hit more than 150 countries, 230,000 computers, and hundreds of companies including Telefónica, German State Railways, and the Britain’s National Health Service (NHS).

In both attacks, the ransomware spread rapidly using Microsoft Windows as its venue to move throughout each network.

In the case of WannaCry, the ransomware found a vulnerability in Windows that could have been fixed with a software patch, but many companies were using an outdated version. Worse yet, WannaCry didn’t require humans to spread. Once it was unleashed, it had the ability to move around the network by itself.  WannaCry was able to hunt down vulnerable machines and infect them, too. It spread like a virus, searching out weaknesses and exploiting them.

Petya worked similarly.

The Petya attack began through a software update mechanism built into a regularly used accounting program. Then, a second wave of infections was released using a phishing campaign with malware-laden attachments. However, unlike WannaCry, which tried to spread both internally and externally, Petya focused solely on internal networks, which limited its range of damage.

“I’m willing to say with at least moderate confidence that this was a deliberate, malicious, destructive attack or perhaps a test disguised as ransomware,” Nicholas Weaver, a security researcher at the International Computer Science Institute, told Krebs on Security. “The best way to put it is that Petya’s payment infrastructure is a fecal theater.”

Still, in both cases, the outbreaks were devastating for the companies affected and were difficult to coral once unleashed. And security experts warn that Petya and other ransomware strains will continue to proliferate.

So, how do you protect your company?

Preventing Ransomware Attacks

The best way to prevent a ransomware attack is to be prepared for one. There’s no way to 100% stop ransomware, since it’s up to user error and appropriate training, but there are a few things you can do to negate the affects of a ransomware attack. The first step is to review your company’s security settings along with your software habits to reduce your chance of becoming a victim.

The most important protection: regularly backup Google and all of your SaaS data. The advantage of cloud storage is that it automatically backs up your data in a secure and remote location, so even if your business becomes compromised your data stays protected.

A common misconception when it comes to SaaS data in the cloud is that it’s backed up and protected. This is not the case—Google backup does not exist and Office 365 backup is limited.

Google Drive automatic backup only happens if you use third-party software, like CloudAlly, to protect yourself. This means that if you’re infected with ransomware, all of the files, spreadsheets, and private information that you put in the cloud to keep it “safe” could be at risk of attack.

And an external backup drive is not sufficient. A hard drive backup that is connected to your computer can be compromised during a malware attack.

Using CloudAlly, you can auto backup Google drive every single day including your Mail, Drive, Classic Sites, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. This simple step can reduce your risk of losing everything if a hacker takes your system hostage. When you have a backup, you can ignore the request for ransom and have your IT department remove the malware without any data loss worries.

Then, once your system is clean again, CloudAlly offers a simple non-destructive restore process, allowing you to recover your data in its entirety with point-in-time recovery.

“If you administer your company’s cloud accounts and need a simple to use but sophisticated backup solution, CloudAlly is all you need.” — Gareth Griffiths, NRH

Q&A Series: How and Why a Backup of Google Contacts is necessary?

How & Why a Backup of Google Contacts is necessary?

Using Google for your company’s email service is smart. It is simple, easy to use, and employees can log in to collect their messages from just about anywhere. You feel safe with Google and you should.

Google has a reputation for having reliable security. However, even the big names have their problems. While they do provide excellent security, they cannot protect you from yourself or other issues that can cause you to lose your Google Contacts.  So how and why you should backup Google contacts ?

What are some of the ways you can lose contact information? Merging problems are simple and often overlooked way contact details becomes deleted. If you select the wrong files or too many files at once, can result in data loss. It may not be obvious that the loss occurred at first.

Like merging address books, syncing your Gmail contact list with your phone contact list can also result in missing information. If the device has a misconfiguration, you can lose information from both the device itself and your Gmail account.

Syncing and merging problems are not the only way you can lose valuable data. Even though the Gmail account may be through G Suite, that does not make it impenetrable to hackers. Google does offer additional security features to make it more difficult for a hacker to access your account without your knowledge. However, unauthorized access does still happen, and their primary goal is to send out as many spam and scams as possible.

Hackers often delete your email history, sent files, and contact list. This way your contacts cannot alert you to their presence. The best defense against hackers is a complex password, changed regularly, and two step security sign-in measures. You can also set Google to alert you when a new sign in has occurred. With the email alert system, you always know when someone has logged in from a new location.

Of course, the most common reason for contact deletion is simple human error. Removing data from your Google account is straightforward. While you may be prompted from time to time to confirm the deletion, that is not always the case. Sometimes, you mean to delete one thing and then accidentally select a different name. When you confirm the deletion, you believe you are correct but turn out to be mistaken. Sometimes you realize your error immediately, other times it could be days or weeks before you realize that the name you need is no longer in your address book.

Backing Up Yourself

There are ways for you to back up contacts yourself. You can just export the data to a CSV document on your computer. If you update your contact page frequently, you might want to export about once a week. Saving a current CSV file once a month is enough to keep this information safe otherwise. If you are using the newest version of Contacts, you may be prompted to change back to the older version for export.












Using Google’s Built-In Backups

Google offers a basic backup option. Their service retains deleted contacts. However, they only retain the information for up to 30 days. You do not have to turn on any settings; this is an automatic feature.

While restoring contact information using Google is simple, it is also destructive. Instead of just restoring the items, it turns back the clock on your contact list, which means that any new names added go away.

>> To restore contacts through Google, start by logging into your Gmail account.

Once logged in, click on the Google Applications icon on the top right of the screen.


backup google contacts












>> Open the Contacts page by selecting Contacts from the drop-down menu.












>> On the Contacts page, choose More. In the newest version of Google contacts, the More option is on the left-hand side of the screen. Older versions of contacts, the More option is located above the contact list.

























>> From here you can choose Undo Changes and select the time frame from the pop-up box.













>> Completing an Undo option restores any contacts lost from within the period selected.













Older versions of Google Contacts you choose restore instead of undoing. The same time frame options appear.

Backup with CloudAlly – Backup Google Contacts

The best way to ensure you lose none of your Gmail contacts is to use a third-party backup like Cloud Ally. Exporting them and keeping them locally works well if your computer does not crash. CloudAlly backups all your contacts and restore them without deleting any new details.

­CloudAlly backs up all your contacts from any connected Google or Gmail account. To backup, log into your CloudAlly account and select the Add New Backup Task option. Then choose Google Account.











>> Select the Next button to give CloudAlly permission to access and save information from the selected account.










>> After giving Google permission, select the account you want to connect.








The backup begins automatically and runs at the same time each day. Updates made to your contact list are added, while any deleted names remain accessible for later restore.

When restoring contacts, you can choose to restore all names from a particular date with the Snapshot restore, or a specific contact by using the Search option.

When restoring, CloudAlly reinserts the information into your address book. Unlike with Google’s contact recovery feature, all existing entries remain even if they were added after losing the restored information.

Protect your connections from hackers, system errors, and your mistakes. Backup address book so that you never have to worry about losing an important email or phone number again. You can try CloudAlly free for 15 days, no credit card required to sign up.

Tidy Employee Off-Boarding

Tidy Employee Off-Boarding with Google Apps backup, Microsoft Mail Exchange, etc.

In HR, when you follow up on someone’s departure in a typical off-boarding process, you’re probably just asking IT to “get everything” from that person’s workstation, as you deal with other practical aspects like desk space and benefits updates.

But what if IT isn’t able to come up with all of that data?

When people go, they leave their desks and computers. They leave their job position unfilled. They also leave behind troves of data that can be extremely important to the business stored in Office 365 as well as in Google Apps backup, both of which can be backed-up.

Think about it — the job doesn’t stop when the person leaves. There are deals in the making, everyday communications going back and forth between vendors and suppliers and customers, and a kind of “cloud” of data (no pun intended) hanging over that person’s assigned role. This includes items like engineering innovations, contractual obligations, sales information and all sorts of data on all kinds of databases.

So what happens to all that stuff when the person who had been working with it is suddenly gone?

Sour Grapes and Other Scenarios
In many cases, the whole company is relying on HR to be the gate keeper in letting someone go, and making sure the on-going business isn’t affected.

First of all, as someone in HR or leadership, you have to worry about people acting out if they’re not happy with the situation at hand, or if they have an ax to grind with their former employer. It’s only too easy for a salesperson to delete his or her email contacts or other deal information, or for a lawyer to delete legal data, or for any disgruntled person to take a swipe at their online and electronic data on their way out. And so often, people are leaving angry. They don’t like that they didn’t get a promotion, or they were called out for improper behavior, or they don’t like their new boss. It all leads to incentives to get back at the company by just hitting the delete button.

But even if there are no hard feelings, and the person is leaving isn’t out for blood, they may just accidentally delete some of these items through simple mistakes.

Companies have to know that the crucial data that the next person will need will be there when that person enters the open job position. That extends to the massive amounts of information flying around between email inboxes. It often extends to chat messaging data, or Word documents on a workstation, or video and multimedia content.

Basically, human resources needs all of that data to be there on day one when they fill the position — not lost somewhere in the ether, where IT people have to go in and try to re-create what was happening through difficult data forensics, especially in Google Apps backup.

Sure, you can go to great pains to recover data, and you can even sue, as in this case of a pharma manager willfully deleting key files before leaving, but all of that is damage control. It’s better to have things backed up in the first place.

Make Sure It’s All Backed Up
If you are someone in HR who just realized you need this kind of backup service, go ahead and ask IT what they’re backing up. Is it just the emails? The messaging? Are trade secrets and other pieces of data secure?

Only a relatively few companies offer these kind of comprehensive backups.  IT admins are responsible for data backup procedures for disaster recovery and business continuity requirements, but the right backup service such as CloudAlly can add unexpected benefits to HR such as:

– Automatically backup new employees data when their added to the system, eliminating the need for the admin to manually activate a backup and the possibility of overlooking the task.

– Providing the ability to recover data that was accidentally or maliciously, deleted or corrupted as a result of an employee termination, especially an unexpected termination where the access has not been revoked following normal off-boarding processes.

– Removing the Office 365 service license to save costs when off-boarding an employee, while still retaining the backup archives for a specific length of time (3, 6, 12, etc, months) for potential litigation.

– The ability to perform a cross-user restore in order to restore an ex-employees mailbox or folders to the new person assuming the responsibility.

With excellent service, ease-of-use and reliability, Cloudally has the right stuff for retaining information from applications like Google Apps backup (G Suite), Salesforce, Office 365, Yahoo! Mail, and other platforms. Get unlimited data retention, easy exporting, and automated backups with a minimum of on-site storage and cost. Let Cloudally help make sure that when a person leaves the business, their business data stays put – because when it comes to having all of the necessary resources on hand, it’s “better safe than sorry.”  We offer a Free Trial Click Here to sign up for Google apps backup, and other services.