
Q&A: Backing Up Your G Suite Apps with CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup

Q&A: Backing Up Your G Suite Apps with CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup

Backing Up Your G Suite AppsGoogle’s G-Suite is only able to protect your data on the company’s end, meaning that if Google loses your information – say, in a disk failure – they will be able to recover it. On your end, though, if you lose data, you need third-party backup program like CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup. This limited in-built recovery in G Suite means that if you intend to adopt the program, you need to first consider how to backup Google apps. Here, we’ll answer some of your most pressing questions about backing up your G Suite Apps.

Is data loss really a significant problem for companies?

According to a recent study from Dell EMC, many companies worldwide are failing to implement the necessary levels of data protection, backup, and recovery. In the past twelve months, 52% of companies faced unplanned downtime and 29% suffered from data loss.

Why does G-Suite need a third-party backup?

Here are just a few of the reasons you need to back up your G-Suite apps:

  • Ransomware (which has seen a 3,500% increase in the last few years)
  • Phishing attempts
  • Accidental deletion – in a recent survey, accidental deletions accounted for 41% of data loss on SaaS applications
  • Migration errors – in the same study, 31% of users said a migration error caused them to lose their data
  • Mistaken overwrites – another problem accounting for 26% of data loss on SaaS applications with insufficient data backup

How can I download my data from G-Suite?

Google gives users the options to export their data and download it later. Be aware, though, this option only gives you a static collection of data on the date of the export. The database compiled will not continue to be updated as users’ data is updated. You can lead your employees through the following steps:

  1. Head to Google’s “Download your data” page and sign into your Google Account.
  2. Choose the G Suite apps you want included in the download.
  3. Click on “Next.”
  4. Select the file type in which you want the archive’s information to be stored.
  5. Choose “Send download link via email” as your Delivery method.
  6. Select “Create archive.”
  7. You will then receive an email with a link to your archive. Depending on the size of the archive created, you will receive your archive length within minutes up to a few hours.
  8. If you want to access the archive, click “Download archive” and follow the instructions.

How can I restore Gmail and Drive Data?

As an administrator, you can restore lost data (except for email drafts or data from the Trash) for up to 10 users in Gmail and/or Google Drive. Be aware, though, this method of data recovery only works on data deleted within the last 25 days. Here’s how to do restore data for multiple users:

  1. Log onto your Google Admin console using your administrator account.
  2. Navigate to the “Users” page.
  3. Click the box next to all the users whose data you want to restore; you can click up to 10 users’ boxes.
  4. Click “More” on the toolbar.
  5. Click “Restore data.”
  6. Set the date range for the data you want to restore, up to 25 days.
  7. Select if you want to restore data from Drive or Gmail.
  8. Click “Restore data.”

How can I scan email traffic using data loss prevention?

If you have G Suite Enterprise, you can set predefined detectors that help support a data loss protection policy. These detectors are culled from public information. Google provides a list of predefined detectors that you can set up in your email traffic scan. Here are a few options:

  • Checksum offers computation and verification with a check digit.
  • Word or phrase list lets you match a whole phrase or part of a phrase to a word or phrase found in a dictionary.
  • Pattern match recognizes alphanumeric patterns that include range checks, valid position, and delimiters.
  • Context matches strings in relation to a checksum matching string, pattern, or both.

While these options provide solutions to certain problems with G Suite apps, they do not provide a simple, complete way to back up and restore user data. To secure G Suite, you need to use a third-party backup app: CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup.

Why do I need a third-party backup for G-Suite?

One of the biggest problems with Google apps is that users can only save deleted emails and other data for a maximum of 60 days. After that, the data is lost forever. In contrast, G Suite Backup gives you unlimited storage length – you can keep your data forever. Additionally, another drawback of G-Suite is that each user only has 30 MB of storage for all their data, including emails, photos, and files. CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup, in contrast, gives users unlimited storage.

If you are already a fan of G-Suite or intend on adopting G-Suite for your business, we aren’t asking you to reconsider. Instead, we suggest opting for the backup protection of a third-party software provider like CloudAlly. CloudAlly’s G Suite Backup provides backup and support for all G Suite apps, including often-used apps like Gmail, Calendar, and Google Drive.

What is unique about G Suite Backup?

G Suite Backup lets you recover information without overwriting any changes you may have made after the recovery time. This non-destructive recovery lets you search for time-specific data and recover it – without worrying that users will lose later drafts of the same files.

Another unique feature is that users can quickly export and access their data on an alternate device. G Suite allows for the export archived data in multiple formats, including EML, VCF and ICS, and in PST format for Outlook.

How does G Suite Backup protect data for multiple users?

For G Suite Backup to be fully functional for business use, it needs to be able to detect multiple users. And it can. CloudAlly can detect new users at your company, and from their first sign-on, can back up their data. If you would like to be in control of user management, too, CloudAlly gives you the option to manually control the addition and deletion of users.

What about pricing for G Suite Backup

G Suite is available for $3/month per user or $30/year per user plans. If you’re curious about G Suite Backup, but want to test its functionality before purchasing, try it out first with our 15-day free trial.

How to Recover Missing G Suite Files

How to Recover Missing G Suite Files

It’s always frustrating to loose a file, but as a G Suite administrator, recovering and restoring missing files and emails is basic part of your job.  Users may restore their data for up to 30 days or until it’s permanently deleted, whichever comes first. However, if they permanently delete a file or email, it’s probably up to you to restore it. How to Recover Missing G Suite Files ?

Lets re track;  Of course G Suite has limitations on the restore such as the time limit of 25 days to restore permanently deleted files back to the user who created them, but it does provide basic restore functions including:

  • A date range search to locate deleted items
  • Verify restoration via inbox or Google Drive check
  • Restore data to a team drive
  • Restore a deleted team drive
  • Restore data for up to 10 users at once

Restoring Deleted Files

To restore either Gmail messages or deleted Google drive files start by signing into your Google administration console. From here you can restore information to an individual user or multiple users at a time.

Single User Restoration

For single user restoration, after you have logged into the administration console, navigate to the Users panel.

  1. Locate the user and click on their name to open the account page.
  2. Once on the users account page, click the More icon and select Restore Data.
  3. Indicate the date range for the data you wish to restore. Restoration is only possible within the last 25 days.
  4. Choose the type of data you wish to restore either Drive or Gmail. An error message appears if you do not select a data type.
  5. Click Restore Data.

Once restored, you can navigate to the user’s inbox or Google Drive to verify restoration occurred.

Multiple User Restoration

As G Suite administrator you may restore files to multiple users. As with a single user restoration, you must first log in to the administration console.

  1. Navigate to the Users panel.
  2. Put a checkmark in the box to the left of each user whose data you wish to restore. You may only restore up to 10 users at a time.
  3. On the toolbar, click the More icon and select Restore Data.
  4. Select the date range for the data you wish to restore. This field only covers the previous 25 days.
  5. Choose the data type you wish to restore, either Drive or Gmail. Leaving this criteria blank results in an error message.
  6. Click Restore Data.

You can now verify if restoration was successful.

A Complete Backup and Recovery Solution

Google restore functions are limited to approximately 30 days, so your business is at risk if data has been deleted or corrupted without detection for more than 1 month. You can protect your data an eliminate this risk by using CloudAlly’s automated  daily backup service for G suite including the ability to recover or export data from any point-in-time.

Admins can drill down through date snapshots or use the granular search function to quickly locate and restore data to the original user or another user if needed. Data can be exported in Outlook compatible .pst for onsite use, and mailboxes can be archived as needed when off-boarding employees.

Give us a try for 15 days no risk. If you like our services, G Suite backup starts at three dollars per user per month or $30 per user per year.

How to maintain G Suite security settings ?

Setting G Suite Security Settings

If maintaining security is not at the forefront of your business model, then you are opening yourself up to hackers and data loss. G Suite offers security features to help protect your employees’ accounts and maintain your company’s data integrity.  This blog post will explain how to maintain: G suite security settings.

View User Settings

As a G Suite administrator, you can access user security settings to ensure password strength is up to code and turn on two-step verification security protocols. To do this, you must first log into your administrator account and access the administrator console.

  1. Click users.
  2. On the user’s screen, you can verify the status of two-step verification enrollment. If you do not see a column listed for the two-step verification, click the more icon and choose select columns to expand your screen to include any missing options.
  3. Select the user whose security settings you wish to check.
  4. Click Security. Again, if security is not an option, select show more to find the missing section.

Two-step verification

If the user has enabled the two-step verification, the backup verification codes are accessible by clicking show backup verification codes. Google suggests all G Suite users utilize the two-step verification process for maximum security. As an administrator, you can disable this feature if an employee no longer has access to the mobile number they used to set up their security.

To begin the two-step verification initiation process log into your administration console and select set up two-step verification for your domain. At this point, you should notify all your users of your new security protocol and include instructions on how they can finish setting up their enrollment.

All users must opt into the two-step verification themselves regardless of company policy. After they choose to opt-in, users need to navigate to the two-step verification page to set up their codes. Once on the two-step verification page, select Get Started.

  1. Enter the email and password associated with the G Suite user account.
  2. Click the start set up button.
  3. When prompted, enter a mobile phone number in which to send a text message containing a six-digit verification code.
  4. Verify the phone number by entering the six digit code which you received.
  5. Choose to add the current computer as a trusted device. If the machine used to set up the two-step verification is and not your regular computer, do not select “trust this ”
  6. Confirm that you want to use two-step verification.

Unless the computer is a trusted device, each time your user logs in they will be required to enter the six-digit verification code. Mobile devices using Gmail and Google calendar may require app passwords in addition to their verification code. The app password is entered once and remains the same until the user updates their login information.

Password Strength – G Suite Security Settings

As the G Suite administrator, you can help protect your users’ accounts by monitoring and managing the length and strength of their passwords. Setting a length requirement prevents users from creating short passwords which are easy to hack. Start by logging into your G Suite administration console.

  1. On the dashboard navigate to security and then basic settings. If the security option is not visible on your panel, select more controls to browse to the security features.
  2. In the section labeled password strength, enter a minimum and maximum length the user passwords must abide. For example, must be between eight and 20 characters.
  3. Click save.

Also in the security section of the G Suite administration dashboard, you can monitor how secure user passwords are. Navigate to the password monitoring area of the security section. From here you can view a graph showing the overall strength of your users’ passwords. This bar graph will change over time depending common passwords that are known to be vulnerable and your password length requirements.

Keeping your G Suite user accounts secure is your best line of defense against hackers and data loss. It is also a good idea to back up all G Suite user information. CloudAlly offers an affordable backup service for all your G Suite accounts.

How to Delete G Suite Account


How to Delete G Suite Account ?

How to Delete G Suite Account

Turnover is a natural part of doing business. Employees come and go with regularity. Businesses using Google applications to run their offices must consider what happens to those accounts once an employee is no longer part of the company. As an administrator for your business’s Google Apps account, you should delete the former employee’s service promptly to maintain licenses while keeping overhead costs down. How do you do that without losing relevant information? How to Delete G Suite Account ? The following steps will help you remove a Google apps account while maintaining sensitive data.

Limit Former Employee Access

The first step in deleting a Google apps account is going to be limiting the previous user’s access to this account. The benefit of using Google apps for your business is that employees can access it from anywhere. You must start by changing the former user’s password to prevent him or her from logging in from outside the company.

Also, any two-step security verification in place must be disabled at the time of password reset. Continuing to employ a two-step verification process can make it difficult to secure data within the account and harder for someone to take over projects associated with this account.

In a final step to limit the user’s access, you must reset all login cookies from the administrator screen. This forces any devices logged into the account to be logged out and requires the new passcode to be entered before access.

Back Up Important Data

Once you are confident the former employee no longer has access to the account; you need to download or backup all data within the account. Backups ensure that you lose nothing during the transition.

Put Someone in Charge of Dispersing the Data

It may take time to go through all the files, emails, and calendar sessions. Therefore, you should delegate someone to act as an executor of the departing employees Google apps account. This person will be responsible for determining who:

  • Accesses to emails
  • Transfers ownership of any files located in the departing users Google drive account
  • Transfers ownership of the departing users Google groups
  • Accesses to any shared calendars

The executor of the account should also set up a vacation autoresponder letting others know that the departing user is no longer with the company and whom to contact instead.

Additionally, the executor will look through the departing employees account to determine which of the remaining Google services employed on behalf of your organization by the former user. The agent will then decide whom to turn access over to.

Deletion and Diversion

After approximately 90 days, or when your administrator has reassigned all emails, files, and calendar events, it is time to delete the Google apps account. It is important to remember, however, that once the apps account removal is complete, any emails sent to that account will bounce back as undeliverable. Therefore, it is essential that you plan for a diversion of these messages.

There are three different ways you can divert emails from a closed account. They include:

  • Catch all addresses – this is an email that intercepts any email sent to your domain in which a user account does not exist. A Catch-all includes closed apps accounts and mistyped addresses.
  • User alias – assign the departed users email address as an alias to a current employee. Typically, this would be the executor or someone hired to replace the former employee.
  • Google group – create a group using the same address as the recently closed account. You can assign several employees to receive notifications of messages received.

Have a Second Backup

It is important to remember that any file or email not distributed before the Google apps account entirely deletes lost forever. That is why it is so important to have a backup solution. Google only allows for recovery of files for up to 30 days and restoration can only go back to the original user.

This retention policy is what makes CloudAlly unique. Unlike Google’s limited recovery ability, we provide unlimited cloud storage with no expiration date. Even after you have deleted a Google apps account from your Google dashboard, the former employee’s emails, contacts, calendar events, and files remain stored on our servers for you to distribute. Your administrator can search this data and restore it to a current employee’s apps account whenever necessary.

Fees are just $3 per month per user or $30 per year per user. Try us out our free for 15 day trial to see how well works for your company.

Q & A Series: How to Sync G suite with Outlook

Q & A Series: How to Sync G suite with Outlook

Outlook, one of the most popular mail and calendar services for commercial use, has some growing competition. While many companies are beginning to turn to G Suite, powered by Google, they may not be ready to let go of their trusty standby. In fact, Outlook is so popular many administrators need a
G Suite sync for Outlook solution.

Google and Outlook are not the same kinds of creature. Sure, they seem to do many of the same things, both process mail for example, but they are not completely compatible. True, Gmail, both free and paid accounts, can populate messages in Outlook thanks to IMAP settings.  However, other G Suite do not work as well. G Suite Sync for Microsoft Outlook (GSSMO, formerly GASMO) allows businesses using
G Suite to Integrate their apps with Outlook.

What Does GSSMO Sync and What Does It Not Sync

Before you start using GSSMO to migrate your Gmail to Outlook, you have to know what to expect. The service synchronizes the following items:

  • Email
  • Calendar
  • Personal and global contacts
  • Tasks
  • Notes
  • Journal entries

With email, GSSMO pulls over all messages and sub-folders. However, as Gmail does not place user created folders as sub-folders of the inbox, they probably won’t appear nested like Outlook users are accustomed to seeing. Additionally, signatures, settings, and category assignments do not input into Outlook from Gmail.

Outlook does not mimic Gmail’s delivery notification. However, as long as your recipient has not turned off the read receipt feature, you can still add this function to your messages.

Calendar events that the user created and own populate well into Outlooks calendar function. However, if there events in your calendar that someone shared with you, they do not appear. You will have to re-input them after setup.

For the most part, contacts, both personal and global, sync seamlessly between Outlook and G Suite. The only difference you see is the category and category definitions. You also must recreate mailing lists as they will not import.

As with contacts, notes, journal entries, and tasks also integrate well. Tasks in Outlook have a few extra features such as task status, due and start dates, and reminders that Google does not have. However once imported you can add these details to your tasks. Journal entries migrate, but the journal feature will not sync with Google Docs.

How to Use Google Sync Apps for Outlook

Google has made it incredibly simple to sync G Suite with Outlook. All you have to do is download and install the GSSMO program from Google. Sign into your account and accept the terms and conditions.

After installing GSSMO on the computer where your use Outlook, run the program to set up your Google Profile. The program walks you through setting up your profile and automatically imports data into Outlook.

Once completed, you can use Outlook for all your email and calendar needs.

When installing GSSMO, Google also installs the Migration Tool for Outlook. This tool allows you to import your Outlook profile into Gmail if you are tired of using Outlook for everything.

G Suite sync for outlook Video

No matter if you choose to use Outlook as your primary email system or want to migrate to Gmail, it is important to have a backup of all your important messages and calendar events. CloudAlly offers full G Suite backup for all the employees in your company. Try it free for 15 days.

Q&A Series: How to Recover Google Calendar Events

Q&A Series: How to Recover Google Calendar Events?

Google Calendar allows you to see what your events are from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. With cross platform syncing, you always know what your next appointment is at just a glance. However, with the benefit of viewing events from anywhere comes the risk of losing data from anywhere. Accidental deletion is a serious problem. Of course, Google anticipates that and allows you to restore Google calendar events with ease.

In the past, Google only allowed account administrators to reinstate lost meetings or other scheduled notifications. Since 2015, they have begun allowing users to manage their restoration. The reason being, it allows employees control over their calendars and reduces the amount of assistance escalation businesses see.

Restore Google Calendar Events with Google G Suite

Google suite allows for calendar restoration two ways. Administrators can go into the accounts and reset lost events from their dashboard. Account managers also can see what events have been deleted, restored to the calendar or permanently removed from the trash.

Users with edit capabilities can restore events themselves. To do this, click on the drop-down arrow next to the username and select trash. Once in the recycle bin, select the event, or series of events, and select restore.

Google does alert users the first time they delete an event from their calendar. This warning contains instructions on how to restore the files from the recycle bin.

While it is convenient for Google to put this power in the end user’s control instead of leaving it in the hands of G Suite account administrators, it is limited.

Users cannot restore:
  • Events permanently removed from the recycle bin, either on accident or purposefully removed with malicious intent
  • Events in the recycle bin longer than 30 days
  • Events lost due to sync issues

A continued shortfall of the new system is once the primary calendar holder permanently deletes the item, secondary calendar users cannot restore the event. Also, calendar events cannot be restored to other employees’ schedules, meaning information in leaving employee’s calendars are cannot transferable to their replacements.

Google is attempting to make it easier for G Suite customers to restore their missing calendar events. Sadly, due to the limitations provided by their system, it is not advantageous just to rely on Google’s safeguards to protect your valuable work schedule. The use of a third-party backup service is the best way to ensure scheduled meetings and reminders are never lost.

Additional Backup Security Necessary

CloudAlly offers backup support that exceeds Google’s current offerings. While you can go into the recycle bin and reinstate missing meetings or events, the limitations make it impossible to feel fully protected.

CloudAlly’s backup service allows your company to backup everyone’s G Suite calendar automatically. Each day, at a time specified by the administrator, this online service pulls data from your G Suite account and stores it in the cloud. There is no limit to how much you store nor is there a time limit for you to retrieve your information. All calendar events stay in the account until your administrator decides to delete them.

Create a G Suite Backup

Setting up a new backup is simple. Log into your CloudAlly account and select Add a New Backup from the Backup screen. From the list of services, choose G Suite.

Once selected, click on the Integrate with Google button to sync your G Suite account with CloudAlly. If you receive an error message, it may be because:

  • You are not already logged into your G Suite account.
  • Do not have CloudAlly as a trusted Marketplace App.

>>  If you are not logged into the company administrator’s G Suite account, do so before trying to connect. Be sure to log out of any other Gmail accounts as well. G Suite will not allow CloudAlly to connect initially if other Gmail accounts are active in your browser.

Gmail Account Access












>> While in the G Suite account, be sure to add CloudAlly to the connected apps and sites. To do so, select the Google Apps icon at the top, right side of the screen. Scroll to the bottom and click “More from Apps Marketplace.”

Google Apps Market place












>> In the MarketPlace window search for CloudAlly. Select the CloudAlly app from the list and select install.


Select cloudally backup on g suite












>> Once installed, you can now add a New Backup to G Suite from CloudAlly. Once connected, select the G Suite account on the Backups page to edit. Administrators can choose individual accounts to backup or click Activate All to initiate the backup process.

Restore Google Calendar with a Few Mouse Clicks

>> To restore files, select Restore and Download under the services on the left-hand side of the screen. On the Restore screen, choose G Suite backup. Once in the G Suite Backup screen, select the user who needs the calendar event restored.

There are two ways to find the calendar event either “Via Snapshot” or “Via Search.” A Snapshot restoration or download, allows you to restore all calendar events from a particular restore point. The snapshot option is ideal if you want to restore several appointments lost due to malicious intent or syncing issue. It is also the best choice to transfer meeting reminders to new employees taking over for an old employee.


Backup G Suite from snapshot












>> Once you select the time from to search for a Snapshot, choose the calendar you wish to restore. By clicking the Restore button, you can input a different account to reinstate the events. However, you can download either a .ICAL or .PST formats to upload on another user’s system.













>> In addition to restoring an entire calendar of events, you can choose to restore individual appointments. To do this, click the Via Search option on the Restore and Download page. Click the radio button next to the calendar option and enter part of the appointment name in the search box.


Restore Google Calendar Events












>> On the results screen, choose the events you need to restore. If there are several appointments with the same title, look at the start and end dates and times for clarification on which meeting you need.

As with the Snapshot search, you can choose to download or restore the individual event by selecting the desired button at the bottom of the page.

Once you have selected either restore or download, the requested service appears on the Restore and Download screen under Restore and Download Status. You also receive an email indicating when the restoration is complete or the download is available.

CloudAlly provides the additional protection your company needs against lost calendar events. Try it free for 15-days, no credit card required. If you like it, pay only $3.00 per month per user account.