
How to Recover an Office 365 Account

How to Recover An Office 365 Account

Recover an Office 365 AccountDeleting accounts is a necessary part of doing business from time to time. Employees leave for other jobs, and you need to get rid of their accounts and close off access. However, even the best intentions can sometimes go awry. An administrator selects the wrong user account and deletes it before realizing the mistake, which is why its necessary to know how to recover an Office 365 Account !

Office 365 offers a way to restore deleted users. However, the restoration only works if you discover the error within 30 days of deletion. If an employee leaves the company, the administrator deletes the account, and then the employee returns after this 30-day period, you must create a new account.

Before beginning, double check the Office 365 license is still available to assign to the account. The following procedures are for business users not using Active Directory for their Office 365 accounts.

Restore Office 365 Accounts in Microsoft.

To begin, an administrator must sign in using administrator credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the Admin center.

  1. In the Admin center, select Users and then Deleted Users.
  2. Once on the Deleted users page, choose the username, or names, to restore.
  3. Select Restore.
  4. Follow On screen prompt to set passwords.
  5. Once restored, click the Send email and close button.

If the account does not restore, there may be a conflict with the username or proxy address. With a proxy address conflict, the restoration should remove the conflicting address and assign a new one to the restored user.

Resolving User Name Conflict

There are a couple of different reasons for a username conflict to occur in Office 365. On reason is that the user you wish to restore still has an active username within the system. To fix this, you must replace the existing account with the restored one by first deleting the active user in the account.

The other reason is a new user has a similar name to the previous user. Therefore the new user’s username is the same as the previous user. To fix this issue, you must assign a new username to the restored account.

To perform the secondary repair, first, log into your Office 365 administrator account. Once logged in, navigate to the Admin Center and begin the restoration process as you in the previous steps. After setting the password and clicking restore, however, you will see a message indicating there was a problem restoring the account.

On the message indicating there was one of the accounts, you may do one of the following,

  • Cancel the restore and rename the active user, then attempt the restoration again.
  • Type a new primary email address for the user and click Restore.

Choose the option that best works for your users. Review the results and then select close.

Other Options

Recovering an Office 365 account may not be to reinstate a user. Instead, you might want to recover the account of a terminated employee due to litigation such as wrongful termination. However, Microsoft deletes the account 30 days after the license has been removed so without a 3rd party backup, that account is gone forever.

CloudAlly allows you to archive employee mailboxes and and retain those archives for as long a your internal retention policy requires. While archived, an administrator can still perform a cross-user restore to legal, HR or auditing for example, or export data in Outlook compatible .pst format for local access. Archives can be retained indefinitely or deleted once you’ve met your internal retention policy requirements.

You can try our free trial solution for 15 days. After your free trial, Office 365 backup support is an affordable $3 per month per user or $30 per year per user.

Microsoft SharePoint Backup Comparison (2017)

SharePoint On – Premises VS. SharePoint Online (2017)

Microsoft SharePoint Backup – 2017 updates

CIO executives and IT managers are facing a tough decision selecting between SharePoint On – Premises, and SharePoint online of Office 365. This is much more apparent since 2013 when we reviewed the choices at hand.

It has been 4 years since we first brought you a comparison between SharePoint On-Premises and Office 365’s SharePoint Online. Since then, Microsoft has updated their SharePoint software with the new release of SharePoint 2016.

While a lot has stayed the same, the subtle changes might make a difference in determining which product best serves your needs.

Here is a basic overview of the primary differences between SharePoint Online and SharePoint On Premises:

Updates to SharePoint On-Premises

If you are familiar with SharePoint 2013, you may have some reservations about using the software on-premises. However, the 2016 release has many updates that make it more user-friendly.

One of the greatest updates that SharePoint 2016 has is the easier patching ability. Previous versions required IT personnel to take the server offline to perform updates. Now, installation of these patches occurs without taking the servers offline. These software updates help fix security holes and bugs.

Other notable updates include:

  • Improved naming system with shorter easier to understand names
  • Increased file size allowance
  • Increased storage number of records
  • Increased list threshold
  • Automatically updated links for relocated files
  • Faster search

One other area Microsoft improved is the ability to use SharePoint 2016 on-site in a hybrid situation. Administrators can connect the on-premises SharePoint with online storage. Searches conducted include results from both online and on-site locations.

Pros Cons
  • Full Customization
  • Increased Cost of workforce and equipment
  • Reduced Bandwidth (when not part of hybrid setup)
  • Redundancy required
  • Compliance with local security regulation
  • Scale up/out costs
  • Full Control
  • Additional set up for disaster recovery
  • Migrate when necessary

SharePoint Online

Microsoft is always working to make their Office 365 SharePoint better for their customers, with Cloudally’s Microsoft Sharepoint Backup the online option is extenuated, and adding hybrid compatibility for on-site SharePoint 2016 to work seamlessly is a huge upgrade. Also, it is important to mention that Microsoft has added security framework to make their Online Storage compliant with HIPAA, SSAE, and EU Model clauses to name a few.

Pros Cons
  • Reduced workforce/hardware costs
  • Not controlled locally
  • Automatic updates
  • Greater bandwidth use
  • Anywhere access
  • Added storage costs
  • Complaint friendly
  • Limited customization
  • Enterprise grade security
  • Easy scale up/out

As Microsoft stores your files on their Azure servers, they offer automatic redundancies. These redundancies protect your data from loss due to hardware malfunction.

Overall Comparison

Sharepoint 2016 and SharePoint Online, via Office 365, operate the same. Users store documents and share them with their colleagues. Thanks to recent updates on both the onsite 2016 platform and Office 365 both programs can now work seamlessly together.

The following will help you with a better understanding of their differences.

Category On-Site Online
Cost Requires purchase of hardware and software license plus IT personnel to maintain system Annual subscription of Office 365 Plan billed per user
Deployment and Maintenance IT personnel to deploy and manage farm, patches may be delayed due to workload Microsoft controls environment and installs patches when released
Business Continuity Dependent on internal capabilities Built-in redundancy and failover for data centers.
Features Support for Enterprise feature, with installation ofOffice web app Limited, preconfigured features
Customization Full server side code and client side code support. Full client side support. Limited server side support
Security Dependent on internal capabilities Enterprise grade security
Compliance Dependent on internal capabilities Eu Model Clauses, US-EU Safe Harbor Framework, HIPAA, FISMA, ISO 27001, FERPA, and SSAE16 compliant
Storage More expensive storage devices with scalable size, more than 100GB Cheaper costs, site collection up to 100GB, maximum content in single tenant Office 365 plan based.

Which Best Serves Your Needs

There are no absolutes when it comes to determining the best fit for your business. Office 365’s online Sharepoint makes it easy for your employees to access the files they need from anywhere. The greater fluidity allows you to utilize a remote workforce in addition to your in-house personnel.

However, due to security regulations, some information cannot be stored in a cloud setting. That means you must invest in Sharepoint software housed in on-site servers. Local service limits your company’s ability to allow employees to work remotely.

Bottom Line

In most cases, the middle ground might be your best option. By investing in on-site Sharepoint 2016 software, you can house sensitive information locally. Storing sensitive documents on-premises can help you maintain compliance with government regulations.

However, employees can store data that does not contain restricted information in the cloud environment. Workers can then access these non-sensitive documents from anywhere. With Sharepoint 2016 and Office 365 both having hybrid capabilities you can have the best of both worlds.

Disaster Recovery in High Priority

Choosing to go with Microsoft Sharepoint Online backup is placing your disaster recovery in top priority and your recovery protocol in place. An online backup of all your Sharepoint files allows you to recover data lost due to viruses or human error, eliminating data center issues.

Without a 3rd party backup service, such as Cloudally, your company lacks protection against malicious attacks. Ransomware attacks can occur at any time, forcing you to pay a hefty price to recover your information. With a proper backup in place, you can recover compromised files without paying the enormous fees requested by the hackers.

CloudAlly offers continuous support with Microsoft SharePoint backup. Data is saved daily to your online depository. Files deleted from your Office 365 online account remain within your CloudAlly backup until you choose to remove them.

There is no way to know when a ransomware attack or malicious employee error may occur. However, having CloudAlly Sharepoint backup available can protect you. Learn on Microsoft SharePoint and Check out our FREE TRIAL.

SharePoint Online – The things you need to know

SharePoint Online Features

Microsoft SharePoint is here for some time now, and today it’s also offered in an on-premise or cloud offerings. SharePoint is a key player in a very crowded space of business collaboration and content management with strong competitors like Alfresco, Google Drive and Drupal just to name a few. SharePoint Online Features is essential to understand the solution.

To begin with, employees can access and share their documents using SharePoint Online. The documents are stored in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere using mobile device or personal computer.

Employees can share information using SharePoint Online, share documents, assign tasks and follow up their status, share news and knowledge.

With SharePoint Online you can have a ‘site mailbox’ in which you can attach emails Read more