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Why Backup Your Personal Email Account?


Today we have more ways to communicate than ever before using a variety of tools such as social media, instant messaging and blogs, but when it comes right down to it, good old fashion email is still the most widely used form of communication and it looks like it’s here to stay.

Email services such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo Mail are convenient, easy to use and usually free, and offer increasing amounts of free storage which encourages us to use our email service not only as a communication tool but also as an archive for our documents.


As we become less reliant on our computers and rely more on smartphones and tablets, email services quickly become the main repository of our online documents and data. Whether it’s a contract, article, picture or any other type of document for that matter, our email account is often the first place we go to find it. This is true for personal accounts, as well as small and home based businesses. We are used to having it there, waiting for us in the cloud, maintained by the world’s leading online service providers.

So what’s the problem? Why back up your email when it’s maintained by some of the largest software companies in the world? Consider the following:

  • There are a number of documented incidents of user email accounts vanishing or being corrupted  with little or no ability to be restored.
  • Email accounts can be hijacked as part of a larger identity theft attempt.
  • Email accounts can be blocked at the provider’s discretion for a variety of reasons. Remember, you’re using a free service and do not have an SLA to protect you.
  • Or something as simple as accidentally deleting important Emails.

Luckily there are a number of ways to make sure that your email data is backed up ranging from do it yourself desktop tools to purpose built automated cloud backup services such as CloudAlly. The advantages of a cloud backup service are numerous including:

  • Your important data is saved in another leading cloud provider like Amazon or Rackspace, instead of on your local machine which is vulnerable to breakdowns or theft.
  • Your email account is backed up automatically for you, no need to maintain anything yourself.
  • The backup runs on a daily basis and available for recovery 24/7…

CloudAlly offers automated backup services for individual Gmail and Yahoo Mail users for just $2.49 a month or $24.90 a year, providing unlimited secured storage and archive retention. A 15-day free trial is available with just a few clicks of the mouse… try it today!